About Cebu MD

CebuMD is a site where doctors especially those who at one time studied or trained in Cebu can get updated about what's happening in the medical community here in Cebu. They can scan through the news headlines, visit websites made by their fellow alumni or drop by linked websites which may prove to be useful for them.

Anybody, even any alumnus coming from other medical schools, is welcome to visit CebuMD. If you wish to make an announcement related to an event where physicians are invited, just leave a message at the "Contact Me" section of this site. Same also for comments and suggestions.

Visitors, even non-physicians and even those who are not from Cebu are welcome to explore the site.

Note: CebuMD is maintained by a Cebuano physician-medical educator-microbiologist based in Cebu City.

(c) 2010 by: tapyboy